Class Rules
- Come to class on time.
- Follow directions the first time they're given.
- Come to class prepared with all needed materials in your possession.
- Come to class ready to contribute, not to take away.
- Respect yourself, the members of our community, and our environment at all times.
- Keep ALL electronics in the off/silent position and in your bag or pocket, unless the teacher instructs you to use them.
- Mrs. Totten controls when food/drinks are consumed.
*In Mrs. Totten's absence all rules must continue to be acknowledged and followed.*
Routines & Procedures
- Be in your seat BEFORE the bell sounds.
- Never ask the teacher if there's a warm-up. There's a warm-up everyday.
- Accept responsibility for the choices you make.
- If I am working 1:1 with another student, DO NOT come up to me or call my name. Please wait until we're finish.
- DO NOT raise your hand while someone is speaking - please wait until he/she is finished.
- No one is allowed to go to the bathroom during the first and last 20 mins of class.
- If it's nearing the end of class and the teacher is still instructing DO NOT start packing up your things.
- The bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does.
- If you need to leave the class for any reason, you MUST sign out and sign back.
- If you need a pencil/pen, paper, etc. ask 3 other people BEFORE you ask the teacher.
- DO NOT come to the teacher's desk unless you are invited.
- If you're feeling sleepy during class, without disturbing anyone, take a quick walk around the classroom, then return to your work. Don't give in! You will earn an infraction if you do.
- If you see trash near you (even if it's not your's) please throw it away.
- If someone drops something and you are close to it, pick it up.
- During small group, stay with your group at ALL times.
- Transition between station quickly and quietly.
- Greet the teacher when you enter the classroom.
- Make eye contact when you are speaking with someone.
- You may bring a bottle of water to class, you may not leave for a drink of water.
- Respect other student's comments, opinions, and ideas. If you disagree, you must say, "I respectfully disagree".
- Always say "Thank You" when given something.
- Do not ask for a reward.
- When a substitute teacher is present ALL class rules still apply. Give him/her the same respect you would give Mrs. Totten.
- Stand up for what you believe in.
- Learn from your mistakes and move on.
- If you want to borrow a book from the class library you must sign it out with Mrs. Totten.