⇒ Goal 1:
The student will demonstrate the ability to respond to a
text by employing personal experiences and critical analysis.
⇒ Goal 2:
The student will demonstrate the ability to compose in a
variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms
and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and
⇒ Goal 3:
The student will demonstrate the ability to control
language by applying the conventions of standard English in
writing and speaking.
⇒ Goal 4:
The student will demonstrate the ability to evaluate the
content, organization and language use of texts.
Classwork, Homework and Informal Writing Assignments
- Write legibly.
- Use only loose-leaf notebook paper.
- Correct mistakes with white-out or a single line through the word(s).
- Place your heading on the left side at the top of the paper. The title of the assignment should be in the center of the paper.
- Use blue or black ink for written assignments such as paragraphs, essays, brief constructed responses (BCR’s), and extended constructed responses (ECR’s)
- Use pencil or ink for classwork assignments, notes, worksheets, homework, and short quizzes.
- Indent paragraphs.
Class Period
How to Head My Paper in Class
It is very important to head my papers correctly in English class. If I do not follow the guidleines guidelines given, it will make the job much more difficult for my teacher. Following the guidelines also shows that I am taking pride in my work. I will always present my best work to my teacher.
Formal Writing Assignments
- Write on every other line of loose-leaf notebook paper for formal assignments. Double space typed assignments.
- Write on only one side of the paper.
- Do not abbreviate words in a formal paper.
- Do not use symbols in your writing. (Ex. Use and instead of &)
- Number pages after the first page in the right side margin of the paper.
- Provide a cover sheet for research papers, projects and major papers.
- Follow MLA Manuscript Guidelines for research report writing
[See page 1164–Documenting Sources and pages 1165-1166 – MLA